Tuesday 7 February 2012

Richard Branson's -Screw it - let's do it

well i've finished reading this book.

It is part of the 'quick read'  series of books and as the series says it was a very quick read that i found enjoyable.

the chapters were quite short and to the point i found it easy to take 5 or 10 mins to read a chapter or section.

gave great insight to Mr Branson's workings and thoughts on business.

i enjoyed it greatly and will definately read another of the 'quick read series' and will be on the lookout for more about Mr Branson.
screw it lets do it

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Hairy bikers Cookbook

Well had my first read of this book and it looks good bit of history about the countries followed by some recipes (traditional and updated). Found the information about the countries very interesting.

Have'nt had chance to try any recipes yet but will do.


Tuesday 24 January 2012

January Library visit

Went to library tonight and got myself a few books to read

1. Hairy Bikers Cookbook

hope to pick up a few pointers for myself in the kitchen


skimmed first few pages and reads like my type of thing

3. Screw it, Lets do it

hey if i can get any motivation from this guy who knows where it will take me.

SNUFF By Terry Pratchett

well just finished this newish book by Mr Pratchett.

enjoyed it really like the discworld novels.

the 'witches' are my favourite

this is good and ilike the Sam Vimes Character. Although in my opinion there wasnt enough Vetinari in this story.

but if you have it read Snuff and if you dont buy it

Sunday 18 December 2011

Xmas reading

7 days to go to the big day so reading has been put on back boiler

just got first book of the season for my birthday cant wait to read it.

Autobiography RED by Gary Neville

Friday 16 December 2011


Hello everyone and welcome to Bookhook

In this blog I am going to give my spin on some of the books I have read and am currently reading.

First I'll let you know in the past I have been an avid reader however as a 40something with 2 children aged 4 and 7 my reading habits have become less my type of books more the kids books.

My five favourite books would be (in no particular order)

                             1. White Fang  by Jack London
                             2. Waylander by David Gemmell
                             3. Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
                             4. Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett
                             5. Animal Farm by George Orwell

As you can see I am a bit of a fantasy geek but do like the classics too.